Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Birt-day Ah-Murica and Tanjobi Omedito Momoka

Sorry for the late 4th of July pictures. Here's a few shots of Momoka in her fireworks jinbei. Some friends came over and we cooked outside, had some tasty beverages and watched some fireworks. One of the many reasons I love America - we can combine BBQ, adult beverages and explosives like nobody else- what a country. The Army post where we live had a nice fireworks display that saved us from having to go downtown to the mall with 8 million of our friends to watch the national display. Here's our gal in her new favorite lazy boy listening to Mommy and her friends . . . . .

Are you guys talking about me again?

Daddy put some pureed BBQ in my bottle then filled it up with formula - YUMMY!

Tanjobi Omedito! Momoka is 6months old today, 07 July, 2009. She looks just like a movie star in her shades don't you think!


  1. Yeah, she does look like a movie star! Not long before she'll be crawling!

  2. Thanks David and Samantha for the nice comment. I can't wait till she starts crawling - another great game, chase each other around the house! Momoka is pretty rough and tumble so that game should be right up her alley.
