Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jumpin' Jinbei Batman

Here I am in my new toy! Mommy and Daddy bought me a bouncer to hop around in. Mommy bought Momoka some very, very kawaii (cute) jinbei when we were in Tokyo. A Jinbei is a traditional Japanese summer outfit with a pair of shorts and a shirt that ties in the front. Momoka's jinbei has little bunnies and flowers on it. She is too cute in the outfit. Mommy also bought two others - bigger sizes thankfully - so Momoka is set for a Japanese summer in DC.

The bouncer supports Momoka's back and tummy better than her little "baby car" she drives around the kitchen. All toys now have to play music and have lights. Battery industry conspiracy!

Well, looks like I finally found a use for that "National Security Decision Making" course material from my student days at Naval War College. Momoka's legs are still a little too short to reach the floor. She either has to grow longer OR we have to fatten her up a little more so she puts a bigger strain on the bouncer springs. Look at those little toes - too cute!

An absolutely classic Momoka photo! Momma has a knack for getting the best shots of funny faces. For some reason Momoka has started sticking her tongue out alot - not just poking out from between her lips like before. I am trying to teach her to blow a raspberry and I think maybe that's why her tongue is always sticking out. Hilarious.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy Girl!

I'm so excited - today Mommy and Daddy told me I'm getting a new toy. Guess I better be nice and smile just to make sure I get some new stuff. HAH! We bought this little dress at Downtown Disney last month. Momoka is so cute in that little dress don't you think? Green is one of her colors.

Here we are at Baby's R Us after we just had a little lunch. Another great smiling photo by Mommy. I like feeding Momoka in the rockers - the "mother's room" at this particular store smells bad and the workers could care less if you feed your baby sitting in their floor display rockers. After this picture was taken I decided to do a little jiggling and playing since Momoka was in such a good mood. She barfed on me about 30 seconds after this photo. My fault, I never learn. Daddy, never jiggle a baby with a full tummy!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mary, Mary quite contrary

Momoka has a little bit of a flat spot on the right side of her head so Momma is always trying to get her positioned onto the left side of her head whenever possible to help even things out. Momoka has a little Miffy character pillow that helps. In this picture the pillow looks like a bonnet and that Momoka is ready to go out and do a little gardening. As a man I would think a flat spot on the back of a girl's head wouldn't matter because you could cover it up with hair but Mommy reminds me that appearance type things, regardless of whether they are readily visible, are very important to girls. Gotta get out of the neanderthal mode I guess. She is just too cute.

Getting much better controlling her little hands and arms. Can reach out and grab things, even things that are a little out of reach. If she gets something like a stuffed toy in her little grip the next movement will be to haul the thing up to her cake hole for a little taste. I am sure her little "Stich" character she's holding in the photo is drenched in baby slobber!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sleepy Bear

A typical pose just prior to waking up in the morning. I think this child squirms around as much at night when she's asleep as she does during the day when she's awake. She went to bed with two socks on and squarely under her blanket. We usually find her in the morning all tangled up in her blanket without her socks. She has also taken to sucking her thumb at night now too. Started in the last two weeks. Usually only at night and usually once she's already asleep. Speaking of sleeping, Momoka is still sleeping through the night. She hits her rack around 2130 and is out until 0800. Not a big napper but definitely a sleepy head at night. She transitioned from her bassinett in our room to her big girl crib in her room last month. No more Mommy and Daddy waking right up every time she lets out a peep or squirms around during the night. YEAH!

Hey sunshine, get out of that bed and let's go play!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Count Duckula

Momoka is wearing her "Count Duckula" outfit. When you turn the collar up on these ducky feety pjs's it looks just like a cape from a Dracula movie. This picture was taken at the Army Inn at Fort Eustis during one of my trips. We chased Mommy around the room and said "Mommy, I want to drink your milk, Blahahaha!". She was not amused.

Propped up on my pillow getting ready to tell Mommy a story . . . . .

Hey Mommy, where are you going? I'm just getting to the funny part!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Daddy time

Hey Daddy tell me again how you saved the free world from international communism . . . .

I don't care how crummy your day might have been, a baby can take you from mad to glad in about 2 seconds. Gosh I love this little gal!

Hey Mommy, it's Daddy time, don't bug us!

Check out these ballerina feety pj's! Too cute. Piglet is her favorite stuffed animal because he is easy to grab and his ears fit neatly into Momoka's mouth.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

My First Chocolate Bar

We bought this little choco bar at Akachan Honpo when we were in Tokyo. It's a teething toy and is quite cute. I like this kind of choco bar because it can't be smeared in hair or smudged all over baby's little face. Momoka hasn't gotten it into her mouth just yet but will soon. She is drooling up a storm and Daddy felt some little bumps on her lower gum. Teeth are right around the corner!

ももちぃを日本に迎えに行った時に寄った赤ちゃん本舗で可愛いチョコレートを発見! 日本には可愛い物や便利な物がたくさんあるんですよね。アメリカにも可愛い物はあるんだけど、正直微妙な物の方が断然多いような。。。でも売れているという事はアメリカ人の好みではあるんでしょうね。下記のクッキーまだ購入していないのですが、幸せを運ぶさるる便で送ってもらおうと考えています。さるる、よろしくでふ。

The choco bar comes with a nice little strap and you can place it around baby's wrist so it doesn't get tossed down on the floor and then inadvertently put back in baby's mouth.

Another little teething toy . . . .

Saturday, May 9, 2009

JJ, BB and DC

Misao and I flew my parents up from Houston to visit us in DC and to also meet Momochi. For my parents their desire for coming was probably more of the latter and less the former (can't blame them). Grandfather in Japanese is JiJi and grandmother is Baba. I shortened it to JJ and BB to keep things simple (HAH!).

One of the things we did while the parents were here was take a little trip down to the mall to see the sights. Here we are with honest Abe. The Lincoln Memorial is always a nice place to stop because it's very inspiring and it is always cool inside. Even during summer you can get a bit of a respite from the heat and read the words of a great American at the same time. Momoka sure is staring at BB!

ヒューストンからじいじ&ばあばが遊びに来てくれました。ももちぃとは初対面です! でもいつもたくさん写真を送っているし、スカイプ(TV電話)で最低週に一度はお話をしているので、初めて会ったような気がしないと言っていました。

滞在中じいじもばあばもずっとももちぃにべったり♪ ももちぃもとても楽しそうで、笑顔を振りまいていました。お陰でママはとても楽ちん♪笑 次にじいじ&ばあばに会えるのは8月。ももちぃ、楽しみだね♪

Hey Daddy, that's enough of that kissy, kissy stuff! Knock it off!

My mom and I with the Washington Monument and reflecting pool in the background. This was the place Dr. King gave his famous "I have a Dream" speech. It's also where Forrest Gump ran to meet Jenny during the hippie peace rally. Only in America.

BB and Momochan taking a break near the Vietnam Memorial (The Wall). The park surrounding the wall is nice with shady trees and benches. Momoka's Florida sun hat has somehow turned into a polka dotted sombrero! Ay carumba!

Momochan having a little breakfast with her BB.

JJ, Pappa and the ichigo hime (strawberry princess).

Monday, May 4, 2009

Chillin' in my swing

Hey Vato, check out my low rider!


Oh, sooooooo cute, that contented "I just took a poop" smile!

六ヶ月のお洋服だけどお腹の辺りがもうパッツンパッツンだね。笑 成長早いぞ、ももちぃ!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Misao is very safety conscious and is always trying to make sure Momochan's head gets maximum support while she is in her car seat. She had a great idea of rolling up a blanket and placing it on both sides on the baby's head to support her during a recent car trip. It took a minute for Mommy to realize just how funny this particular set up was. It wasn't planned to be funny, it was one of those serious attempts at safety that just turned into something funny. Mommy has dubbed this look "Momochart". A cross between Momochi and Mozart. I think it has a certain George Washington look to it.

三種混合の注射の待ち時間に時間を持て余して、ついももちぃで遊んじゃいました。ももちぃのモーツアルト風だから『も~ちぃアルト』♪ なかなか似合っているでしょう?笑

Here's the "Momochart" look from another angle. Who knows, it might catch on!

Here's Momoka's car seat. We also have a frame that it attaches to that then turns it into a stroller seat. Misao found this really neat little "Pooh" pad from a store in Japan. Momoka was having some heat rashes because the fabric in the seat doesn't breathe. This little Pooh cover works great and really helps to keep her little back dry during those trips in the car or while we're out on our daily walk.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

I wonder how that thing tastes?

Hey, that little monkey looks kind of tasty . . . .


By gosh, I was right! This thing is tasty. Mommy can I have this little monkey for dinner?