Saturday, February 20, 2010

Back in the USA

Thankfully I am back in the good old USA. We may have our warts but Haiti made me appreciate all over again that being an American is truly a priviledge. I was glad I was able to go to Haiti and contribute something small to the relief effort. Seeing how people lived in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere was a real eye opener and further cemented my belief about the United States being a beacon of freedom, goodness and light in the world.

Please say a prayer for your Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen working hard to relieve the human suffering in Haiti. If America could see what I saw them doing to help the Haitian people they would be so proud of their armed forces. It was truly a humbling experience.

Momoka sure changed in the three some odd weeks I was gone. She is growing up so fast. I'm sad I missed that time with her but when duty calls, you answer. I hope someday she will understand. I'll post some photos of her soon.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Gone fishin'

Sorry for the lack of posts but I am downrange in Haiti supporting Operation Unified Response. I sure do miss my gal! Be nice to momma Momochan, and remember daddy loves you!