Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Halloween

Another Halloween has come and passed. It has been one year since those chubby little cheeks were sticking out of her Pooh san costume. Time sure has flown - a whole year went by in the blink of an eye.

This year Halloween was a lot of fun. Momma and I tried to come up with a good costume and settled on Princess. We bought a Tinkerbell outfit from the Disney Store but Momoka was having nothing to do with that. She wouldn't even allow it close to her. Too bad because it was very cute. The Princess outfit worked out better because it was kind of warm and I think the Tinkerbell costume, being made from nylon, would have probably been hot.

This year Momoka handed out the candy to the kids. We had about 200 kids come around this year. Military facilities always have a good turn out for trick or treat. I think it's because military people feel safe letting their kids go trick or treating on the post/base. When we lived in Japan and at FT Belvoir (DC) Halloween was a big deal. In Japan the base would open up and allow Japanese children to come in and enjoy this most American of holidays. It was fun because while the Japanese kids really didn't know what was going on, they did know they were getting candy for saying just three little English words. For children, candy transcends cultures. I am glad we are here at this military facility, next year Momoka might get to ring some doorbells and she will get to enjoy Halloween as I remember it, a lot of fun, all about children and safe. Trick or treating on the post was allowed between 1730 and 2000, which is nice because when it's 2000, it's over. Here's some shots of our gal on the big night:

Having a little swig of water, waiting for the festivities to begin!
Here she is picking out some candy to pass out to the kids. Sometimes a kid wanted a different kind of candy but Momoka was having none of that. She was protective of the candy bowl. You got what you got and that was that. She started with handfuls in each trick or treater's loot bag but then got to where she was only giving one piece to each child. The trick or treaters grumbled a bit but Momoka was enjoying herself. As kids approached our front door Momoka would shout "kita! kita!" - they're coming! She was so excited. Even though some of the costumes were a bit gruesome she was not scared.

Here's a great shot of Momoka at my command's annual "Organization Day". The Army has a tradition where the command should try to have a picnic or some other command event around the calendar date the command was established. This year our Org Day was held down at a beach area on Hickam AFB. It was a good time and Momoka enjoyed eating BBQ, hot dogs and grapes. She likes the water and enjoyed watching the waves but is not fond of sand one bit.
Matte ne!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Finally, some new photos

OK, OK, so shoot me. Yes it has been a very long time since I have put anything here. Momma is much better about posting pictures than me and I highly recommend you drop by her site to check up on Momoka. The site is in Japanese but the pictures are better and posted more often.

Sorry I haven't been better at posting pictures. I don't want to bore anyone with all the reasons. I have been traveling a lot and have been involved in a number of bilateral exercises and projects however that's just an excuse so I won't go there.

Our gal has, in my opinion, moved out of the realm of toddler and into the small child category. She gets around just fine and is more than capable of letting you know what she wants. She is using three word sentences and is quite the little chatterbox. She is so quick to pick up words and use them in sentences to get what she wants or to explain how she feels. Truly amazing.

She is speaking mostly Japanese now and I can't even begin to count how many words she knows. The fact she is speaking Japanese is mostly a function of me being gone a lot on travel. Momma and I made a deal that she would speak Japanese and I would speak English to Momoka so she would be bilingual. I guess I better get to work!

She is such a great little girl and has truly been a blessing in our lives. We are so lucky she came to us. She has brought us such joy and happiness. Here's a few action photos . . . .

I love to slide!

That must have been one boring book . . . . .

Scribbling is good too (note tongue - she must have been very serious about that scribble) . . . . .

This is at Discovery Zone in Hawaii. The footprints are from some recent Sumo greats. I think she's got a ways to go to fill some of those shoes. Tiny feet - too cute!

Fireman Momo to the rescue!

Walking with my friends . . . . .

GYUUUUUUUUUUU! (means hug)

Don't even think of pushing an elevator button with this little one around . . . .

I love cans! I am not sure why, but she has a fascination with soda and juice cans. If we go to Costco and she gets on the can aisle you can forget it. She wanders from case to case touching the cans and won't leave until she is good and ready.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I know, I know

Been very busy. Lots of pictures and new stories to post. Momoka is doing great and is such a super little gal. Will get to posting next week. I hope.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Just another lazy Saturday

We had our 18 month check up yesterday and everything was great. Momoka continues to grow right along the curves on the chart and the Doc felt like she was doing very well. We got our last round of baby shots and all three of us are happy about that - Momoka more than me and Momma.

She was a little fevery and cranky today so we decided to stay inside and roll around on the floor. If you are in the dumps, I'd like to recommend getting down on a toddler's level and playing with them and their toys. You get a much better perspective on what's important in life after about 30 seconds. Here's some shots of our gal playing around:

Cecil B. Demille with an Anpanman camera . . . . .

Hey, this is a great spot to watch the game (we were watching the Reds and Phillies)

Sakura chan, this one's for you . . . . .
Jya, ne.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Takin' a dip in the pool

Here's our gal in her new swim togs. We got this swim suit at Akachan Honpo in Kawasaki, Japan when we were there in May. This is her first time wearing this little number and it's almost too small. Lucky for Momoka I'll be doing another WESTPAC swing next month and will be able to drop by Akachan Honpo for the next larger size(s).

We were at the pool at Hale Koa today which is the hotel we stayed at for almost a month when we moved to Hawaii. Hard to believe but it's been ten months since Momochan first swam in the pool there. She wasn't too thrilled with the pool at first but by the 5 minute point she was splashing around and was enjoying herself.

Today is Momoka's 18 month birthday. What a shining little light of love and joy she is. We love her so dearly and are so very, very lucky to have her in our lives.

Matta ne.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Birthday America

Watching the fireworks here on post . . . . .

My name is Old Glory . . . .

I am the flag of the United States of America. My name is Old Glory. I fly atop the world's tallest buildings. I stand watch in America's halls of justice. I fly majestically over institutions of learning. I stand guard with power in the world. Look up and see me.

I stand for peace, honor, truth and justice. I stand for freedom. I am confident. I am arrogant. I am proud. When I am flown with my fellow banners, my head is a little higher, my colors a little truer. I bow to no one. I am recognized all over the world. I am worshipped. I am saluted. I am respected. I am revered. I am loved. And I am feared.
I have fought every battle of every war for more than 200 years... Gettysburg, Shilo, Appomatox, San Juan Hill, the trenches of France, the Argonne Forest, Anzio, Rome, the beaches of Normandy, the deserts of Africa, the cane fields of the Philippines, the rice paddies and jungles of Guam, Okinawa, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and a score of places long forgotten by all but those who were with me. I was there! I led my soldiers. I followed them. I watched over them. They loved me. I was on a small hill in Iwo Jima. I was dirty, battle-worn and tired, but my Marines and Sailors cheered me and I was proud.
I have been burned, torn and trampled on the streets of countries I have helped set free. It does not hurt, for I am invincible. I have been soiled upon, burned, torn and trampled on the streets of my country. And when it's by those whom I've served in battle, it saddens me. But I shall overcome for I am strong. I have slipped the bonds of Earth and stood watch over the uncharted new frontiers of space from my vantage point on the moon.
I have been a silent witness to all of America's finest hours. But my finest hour comes when I am torn into strips and used as bandagesfor my wounded comrades on the battlefield, when I fly at half-mast to honor my soldiers, or when I lie in the trembling arms of a grieving mother at the graveside of her fallen son. I am proud. My name is Old Glory. Long may I wave.
For those on watch around the globe and in harm's way - THANK YOU!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Recent pictures

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, I have been very busy at work with a number of projects. Momma has definitely been putting me to shame with her posting on Momoka's Japanese page. If you have a chance, drop by and see the pictures (even if you don't read Japanese). Momma has some "Momoka retro" pix up there from when she was tiny tiny.

At any rate, here I am posting some pictures of our gal doing what she does best - being a doll. Hard to believe but she will be 18 months soon enough. The time has flown past to say the least. Some of the pictures are from Japan and some are from here in Hawaii.

First up is spaghetti face. Who knew eating spaghetti could be so fun?

Spaghetti is made from broccoli? The heck you say . . . . .

There is something hilarious about these noodles!

Next we have Momoka with Taz and Da da during a lunch when we were in Japan on vacation. It was a super time and we all enjoyed getting together with Taz and catching up on what's been going on. Of course Taz looked great and hadn't aged a bit since we saw her last. She must have some magic anti-aging secret. Why the serious face Momoka?
Here's our gal during a recent Obon event on island. Hawaii (Oahu) as a number of Obon events. The strange thing is they run throughout the entire summer. In Japan you usually have Obon in late summer. I guess in Hawaii they just can't get enough Obon. Our gal is sitting on the curb with a friend she made and is just hanging out and listening to the music. Note both have kawaii jinbei. Momoka's jinbei is of the Anpanman variety. Go figure.

Locals doing a little Obon dance. We plan on hitting as many of these events as possible this summer. Obon festivals are always fun with good food and a family atmosphere. In Japan Obon is a much bigger deal but these festivals in Hawaii will be a great way to spend an evening. Spam musubi for all my friends!

Here's our gal having a seat in her new chair. We had to buy a chair after seeing Sakura chan lounging in her little chair. She always looks so comfy with her feet propped up. Momoka crawls up in this chair to watch Elmo or whatever is on PBS or Nick Jr during her allotted TV viewing time. Momoka likes Sesame Street as well as Barney and a couple of the Nick Jr shows. She has taken to sitting on the arm rests of this chair and it makes me and Momma so nervous. Daredevil. Of course we removed the plastic cover. Probably shouldn't have though.

Lastly, a photo taken tonight after I gave Momoka her first piece of chocolate. Yes, she liked it. Momma didn't know I gave it to her and was quite surprised to see chocolate all over the place. During her bath time Momma found chocolate in Momoka's ears. Now how'd that get in there?
Matta ne!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

My New Hat

We bought this little hat for Momoka while in Japan. It came from Miki House in Saikaiya Department Store in Yokosuka. Their clothes are too cute and Momoka looks so kawaii wearing them.

Our gal is pretty much back on her Hawaii schedule now. She was eating Japanese rice in the mornings and I think she got accustomed to the taste. She wasn't too thrilled when I plopped a big spoon of American rice on her plate last night at dinner. For those who don't think there is a difference, you don't eat enough good quality rice.

Isn't this hat the best?

Matta ne.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

We made it back

WOW! What a vacation! We got together with old friends, ate some great food, drank some cold oat sodas and generally did whatever we wanted to do. Momoka was great and I think she really enjoyed going places and seeing new things. You know stuffy old Hawaii can be so boring at times.

Our return flight went very well. Momoka watched an Elmo dvd and drifted off to sleep. We left Narita at 2050 and she had been going pretty much non-stop since we awoke that morning. I ran her around the lobby for the last 20 minutes before we boarded the plane so she was one tuckered out toddler. She slept in our laps (mostly Momma's, not mine) for almost the entire flight. She woke up about an hour before we landed, had some food and watched "Pingu", a British cartoon, and laughed and laughed. Once we got her home she reacquainted herself with her stuff and promptly took a 3 hour nap. What a great traveler.

Here's a couple of shots of our gal in Japan . . . .

"Cooking" rice at Anpanman Children's Museum

Daddy, how do you like my Anpanman punch?

Hangin' out with her friends melon panna chan and curry pan man . . . .

This is at the photo studio just prior to "terrorize a toddler" part two. She already doesn't look too sure. This photo might be considered "foreshadowing", an indicator of things to come . . . .
Cute toes though.

Here's our gal sitting nice and pretty but looking not too thrilled. The cool thing about Japanese photo studios is they have clothes you can pick for your child's photo and you can dress your child in as many outfits as they can tolerate (in Momoka's case, not many). The clothes ran the gamut, from kimonos to inai nai ba guru guru dokan outfits to frilly dresses. In "terrorize a toddler" part 1, Momoka wore a very cute little strawberry outfit. I wanted kimono pictures but the kimono was much more difficult to put on and based on her terror level during part 1, Momma was unsure she'd even tolerate us dressing her up in kimono for part 2. Momma was right, as usual. We picked this little pink dress and crossed our fingers . . . . .

Hmmmmm, I don't really care for the flash too much . . . . .

Alright, enough already! I DO NOT LIKE THIS AT ALL!

A studio assistant drying Momoka's tears. Honto ni majinaki! Momma and I couldn't take it, Momoka was so unhappy during both shoots. I think the studio got 6 pictures total before we called the whole thing off.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Today we went to Yokosuka to a photo studio to get some pictures made. While the verdict is still out on the studio so far, it's terrified child 1, studio 0. She sat for two or three pictures and then went into a fit. I think it was just a little too much for her. We're going to try again on Sunday. Hope we have better luck. Two bright spots on today's jaunt - one, we got to go to Miki House, my favorite clothes store and second we got to eat some kaiten sushi at our favorite place beneath Yokosuka Chu-o station. The fish portion is generous (but a little expensive) and the flavor is, well, great quality Japanese sushi. Even in Hawaii the quality doesn't come close. Our gal can't eat sushi yet (no raw fish) but did enjoy natto maki and we also brought her favorite food along - bananas.

Momoka really loved the train today and was calling every train that went past ours "sha". Train in Japanese is densha. We took the local train (that stops often) so we could have a seat and she was really happy (express trains are usually quite crowded). She looked out the window when the train was moving and was so enthralled when the doors opened and closed as the train pulled into and was exiting the station. At the end of the day she was calling the trains "densha". She is such a smart little girl and is really learning words quickly now.

What a great way to get around. Japanese trains are reasonable, fast and very punctual. I wish we had made the same investment in the US many years ago, especially around the more populous areas. This train system in Tokyo makes the subway system in NYC look like tinker toys.

Hey Daddy, I love the train!

The all too familiar mouth full of banana pose . . . . . .

What is that on her left cheek? A sticker. She loves to play the sticker game by first putting them on her face and then putting them on your face. If you're not careful she'll put them on your face and then you'll forget and walk around with a little bear or frog sticker on your mug. That happened to Momma as we left lunch yesterday with Taz. Taz told her "Misao, you have a sticker on your face". Sure enough.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Yokohama Anpanman Children's Museum

Well, we made it to Japan. It was a pretty long flight. Momoka wasn't too thrilled with the airplane and despite the best efforts of momma and I she was pretty unhappy. We brought along a portable DVD player with Elmo, Barney, Blues Clues and Baby Einstein DVD's, toys, books and snacks. Even with all that about 1/3 of the way through the flight she started getting a little fussy. Momoka needed a nap but couldn't get settled in. She sleeps great through the night and enjoys sleeping in her bed. She will also sleep in her car seat, but anywhere else, napping or otherwise, is a difficult proposition. I think that's because she has been somewhat of a home body and never developed the skill of sleeping in different places (and definitely not on airplanes). Even though she got a little fussy she is such a trooper and we are so proud of her. She is still just a baby but will allow us to yank her out of her environment and fly her half way around the world with really only minimal griping. What a gal.

We rented a weekly furnished apartment (much like Oakwood in Rappongi) and it has been a nice place to stay. I have been traveling to Korea and Okinawa but momma and Momoka stayed in the apartment and have been doing fun things like going to the dentist. I will finish my business on the 25th and we will be staying through the 1st of June so we'll have some time to do fun things together as a family - like cleaning out Akachan Honpo - YATTA!

One thing we did get to do this last weekend is take Momoka to the Anapanman Children's Museum in Yokohama. I have talked about Anpanman in previous posts and when we learned there was an entire museum dedicated to him we knew it was one of the destinations we had to stop at. Needless to say our gal loved the place. It is one Anpanman toy shop and restaurant after the other attached to a historic museum of the cartoon itself. Our gal wandered from place to place and was in heaven with all the toys and stuff. We did not go into the museum yet but will go back during the week when the crowds are smaller. Here are a few action photos of our gal having a snack at the "Jam Ojisan Bakery".

Here she is eating the ears off "Cheese" (pronounced Cheezu). Cheezu is a little dog in the cartoon and this bread was baked in the shape of his face.

Hey, these ears are tasty!

Inside the bread was a sweet cheese filling. Not too bad.

Q: "are you sure this doesn't have any vegetables inside daddy?"

Hey, Cheezu sure is tasty! Taking a big bite.

This is one of her favorite characters - "Jam Ojisan". Jam Ojisan is the baker who bakes a new Anpanman head and puts it on Anpanman's body if something bad happens to him. Long story but trust me, that's how it works.

Here she is testing some banana milk we bought her to drink. On top of the drink is an outline of Anpanman's face made out of cocoa powder. She was drinking the milk out of a regular straw, which for me is great. She is completely off the bottle now and uses these cool cups momma found that have these built in straws. She does not like traditional sippy cups but loves to drink from a straw. We're just happy she dropped the bottle with no complaints. Such a big girl!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Off to Japan

We're off to Japan until early June. Hope Momoka enjoys the flight (8 + hours). We have the portable DVD player and a bag of toys and books. We also bought her a seat so we won't all be on top of each other in the cattle car. Flying ANA so that should be nice since the service is great. Fingers crossed!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Eating out at Tiki's

Here we are eating at Tiki's in Waikiki. Momoka is great at restaurants and enjoys eating restaurant food. Momma is pretty particular what Momoka eats and makes sure she gets a good balance but when we go out to eat she pretty much gets whatever she wants, which suits her just fine. She is very interested in what we're eating and I think she just enjoys trying new stuff.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Minnie Hat

We bought this hat way back when I had a business trip to Port Canaveral, Florida and we hopped over to Disney World. Momoka never was interested in wearing it but now will put it on herself. In the second picture you can she is reading herself a little book about Anpanman, one of her favorite cartoons. Anpan is a type of roll filled with azuki, or red sweet bean paste. Anpanman's head is a piece of anpan. He flies around and does battle with his nemisis, Bikinman (by-keen-man). Bikin is the Japanese word for germ. Anpanman is very popular in Japan with children from toddlers through about 4 or 5. Of course I intend to corner the market on Anpanman toys next month during my WESTPAC swing. Momoka loves books and really enjoys being read to. Momma reads the Japanese books and Pappa reads the English ones. Her attention span is getting longer and she can sit through 15-20 pages before she's ready for the next book. Still not old enough to sit through a whole Dr. Suess book but she will be before we know it.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Pictures

Sorry for the lack of posts. We're just busy with travel and raising a toddler. Momoka is doing great - had her 15 month check up and the Doc said she is doing fine. Momoka is talking more and is developing quite a personality. Right now walking backwards seems to be very important. She is saying ma ma and da da to identify us. Today on skype mamma asked "JiJi wa doko?" and Momoka pointed to my dad's face on the computer screen. Such a smarty pants.
We're traveling to Japan next month for a vacation and we're hoping Momoka does well on the plane and with the schedule (time) adjustment. Here's a couple of photos of our gal.

Eating out is fun . . . .

Yes, I am still having egg hunts . . . .

Nice bed head, huh . . . .