Saturday, August 1, 2009

Shot day - YUCK!

Yesterday was our second round of shots. We were a little behind because of all the stuff that has been going on this summer. This round of shots was, for some reason, worse than the last round as far as fever and crankiness are concerned. Our gal woke up last night at 0200 with a high fever and had a very difficult time resting after that. When she woke up this morning at 0915 and after we had some milk she sat in a tub of semi-warm water and took some tylenol. The tub seemed to help with the fever. She went back to sleep at 1115 after having some more milk and some diluted prune juice and is still asleep as of 1445. She is so cranky, much more so than the last time we had shots. My wife and I feel so sorry for her. She has also been a little constipated the last two weeks and the prunes, apples and prune and apple juice she's been getting don't seem to be working too well so that is probably making things even worse for our little gal. I've got to wake up early Monday and try to make a same day appointment for her to see the Doc but from what I understand they don't really do too much for baby constipation. We have been blessed as Momoka has been so healthy, especially considering we've dragged her around with us whenever I go TDY and the crazy winter we had in the mid-Atlantic region.


  1. Poor Momoka! I feel bad for her :o( Sending Kisses and Hugs for the poor sweet girl!

  2. Jennifer, this round of shots was awful. She finally started perking up yesterday (Sunday) around 1800. I think we dread the shots more than the kids do because it's one of those things that you just can't do anything about. You have to let the fever run its course and that is a terrible thing to not be able to do much to ease your baby's ill feelings. Boo-hoo!
