Here's some photos of our gal in her Halloween costume. She was so cute. The little Pooh suit was just adorable and made her little cheeks look even chubbier than they normally do. The bad part about living in Hawaii is a cute little costume like this turns out to be a cute little sauna costume after a few minutes. This would have been great some place with cooler weather.
Momoka loved looking out at all the trick or treaters as they stopped by. It was great to see so many happy little faces. The kids on our post were so nice to Momoka and had such great manners. Momma and I had so much fun watching the baby's reactions and talking to the little ones.
It's hard to believe our gal will be ten months old soon. Thanksgiving, JJ and BB's visit, Christmas, New Year and then our gal's birthday. Busy, busy, busy.
Please remember 11 November is Veteran's Day. Take some time to think about the sacrifices our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guarsdmen make for us as they stand the watch around the globe keeping us safe and free. Please keep them and their families in your thoughts and prayers as we head into this very special holiday season. Mahalo.

The CUTEST little Pooh! Sending our Love to all of you!