Hey, you can't go to Port Canaveral and not jump on the freeway and shoot over to Orlando, right? Daddy and his little gal hanging out at Downtown Disney. There is a salon inside World of Disney where your little girl can go to get transformed into a Disney Princess. I wanted to take Momochan in but we decided (Mommy said no - boo!) to wait a few years. I can't wait! That is going to be the best.
ダウンタウンディズニーでプリンセスに変身? パパはすごく乗気だったけど、予約制で無理です! それにまだ歩けないももちぃにあの衣装はママは反対! だって暑苦しそうなんだもん。すぐにあせもが出来ちゃうももちぃには綿100%じゃなきゃダメ! でも歩けるようになったら涼しい季節に連れて行ってあげるからね~♪
Daddy with a couple of adult beverages in Downtown Disney. They were some stiff drinks, even by Navy standards. Guess that's one way to ensure you open that wallet and pour out your cash to Walt and Mickey! Based on my VISA statement the following month that strategy worked pretty good on me.
さすがディズニー、屋外のなんてことないお店のカクテルでも高い! でもすごく強いんですよ。お酒の弱い人は一杯でほろ酔い気分になっちゃいそうです。隣には色々なディズニーストアが目白押し。パパの言うとおり財布の紐がゆるむ、ゆるむ。。。苦笑
Mommy's friend Keiko. Mommy and Keiko used to ride motorcycles together back in the day. Yes, Mommy used to be a bosozoku. Keiko works for a large Japanese travel agency in Orlando and always knows the best places to go. We had some good eats with Keiko and her husband Dan while we were down there. Thanks Dan and Keiko!
一番古いお友達の一人です。昼はオートバイでツーリングに出かけ、夜は共に飲み明かし。。。いやぁ~、本当二人で遊び倒しました。笑 そんな彼女も今では可愛いお孫ちゃんがいるんですよ!↓ 今はたまにしか会えなくて寂しいけど、ディズニーの近くで働いているので、これからはもっと会える機会が増えるかな?
This is Keiko's daughter Jenny with her husband and their son. Misao said she remembers when Jenny was the same size as Momoka. Time flies.
Daddy and his little gal hanging out at the Starbucks in Cocoa Beach, Florida watching a little baseball while Mommy shops at Ron John's Surf Shop.
My favorite bar in the Keys (which is saying something since there are a million bars down there) is over at the Sigsbee Navy Housing and Marina. Beer is cheap and the food is surprisingly good. The place has a real "Keys" feel with a thatched roof and open air. You can get a great view of sunset from this place. One of those "best kept" secrets in the Navy. SHHHH! Don't tell anybody, they'll just ruin the place.
Daddy - "Who wants chili cheese fries and a cold brew?" Momochi - "I DO! YATTA!"
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