Here we all are at the agency who completed our home study. For those of you not familiar with adoption you must have a certified agency with a social worker come to your house and do a study to ensure you will be fit parents. Once your baby comes home you'll need the agency to come back and do some post placement visits that will then be filed with your petition to finalize the adoption. In our state one of the post placement visits must be done at the agency's office. The two folks to in the picture are the social worker who did our home study and the agency director. Momoka is conked out and slept through most of the visit. We've got one more visit to go and then we'll be able to petition the court to finalize our adoption. That is going to be a great day!

We recently took a trip to Florida. I had some business down at Port Canaveral and Misao and the baby went with me. Baba found out about the trip and went to Gymboree and bought Momoka this cute little sun hat. Here she is modeling the hat and getting ready for sun and fun in Florida!

Ok, ok, I'll wear the hat in Florida - now, can we get on with feeding me?!?

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