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Once I was finished with my business in Port Canaveral, we took a little trip down to Key West, Florida to visit our friends Uncle Sam, Aunt Michelle and Cousin Samantha and also Uncle Paul. It was a nice trip but unfortunately the wind had kicked up while we were down there and it was not good outside weather. We took Momoka to a nice recreation area at the Naval Air Station at Boca Chica. They have some tiki huts with tables and chairs and a nice little lagoon that even small kids can splash around in. It was kind of a double whammy on the day we went - the wind was blowing and the water was a little on the cold side. I put Momoka's little toes in the water and she reported rather quickly, with a big screech, that the water was a little too cold for her.
ももちぃのビーチデビュー、可哀相なくらい風が強すぎてももちぃはずっと不機嫌。せっかく可愛い水着に着替えて、ばあばにもらった帽子をかぶって、いそいそとお出かけしたのに残念。涙 次はハワイの海でリベンジ!

Can we go now? PLEASE!

When we went to Florida we decided to take the train down south and back. AMTRAK has a train that goes from Lorton, Virginia to Sanford, Florida (just north of Orlando). You can load your vehicle onto a train car and it will be offloaded in Sanford when the train stops (hence the name Auto train). We purchased an upgrade to a sleeping car on the way down and back and honestly (and somewhat surprisingly), it was a very nice way to travel. Very relaxing and the service was AWESOME! The Stewards were great, very helpful and courteous. I will consider AMTRAK from now on whenever I take leisure travel and AMTRAK provides service to the area I am going. On the train, during meals or in the club car, strangers actually struck up conversations and talked to each other. How unusual is that in our modern society? Never happen on a plane or in the airport. Of course there were also some self absorbed morons with cell phones but hey, you can't completely get away from jerks and technology anymore. Gosh, I must be getting old.

AMTRAK offered free wine and appetizers on the train just prior to departure. They had smoked salmon and scallops, some cheese, crackers and vegetables as well as a chips / party mix. Here's a couple of glasses of wine for Mommy and Daddy and a tasty Similac cocktail for baby.

On the way back we missed out on the salmon and scallops because we boarded a little late. We did get some party mix along with a couple of tasty beverages to wash down the junk food.

A shot of the menu from the train. How was the food? Better than airline but not five star. I had steaks on both legs of the trip and found them to be good. Misao had roasted chicken and that was also good. Food is served on ceramic plates with silverware in the dining car. Wine is complimentary. Tipping is appreciated. Good chow and the service was great.

Look who has bunny ears! How come giving someone bunny ears never gets old? Momoka loved the train. We propped her up on a pillow in front of the window and she laid there and watched the world go by. Better than TV!

Watching the world go by is hard work Daddy! I think I'll take a little nap to get my energy back up.

The rocking motion of the train made for some good sleepy sleepy time. In both rooms we had on the train the baby slept with Mommy in the lower berth. Daddy slept in the upper berth. The train leaves both stations at around 4:00 pm and it takes approximately 17 hours to go one way. Takes about an hour for your car to get offloaded. The trip probably wouldn't have been as much fun, or as enjoyable, if the baby had been fussy but she was great and slept through the night on both legs. What a great girl.

Today was our ninth wedding anniversary. Misao had jokingly said she wanted a "sweet nine" diamond ring as a present. The Japanese jewelry industry has started some baloney called a "sweet ten" diamond that is, in my mind, an opportunity for them to sell you a ring. I tried to think what might be a fun way to tell her that I had bought her a "ring" for our anniversary. instead of a "sweet nine" ring, Misao got nine sweet rings. Yes, of course I ate the other three donuts on the way home from Krispy Kreme. Truth be told, I think Misao liked the donuts better (she loves Krispy Kreme). Of course next year won't be so easy because I've used up the donut angle and I think she'll be expecting something a little more substantial than 3/4 of a dozen donuts.

Hey Mommy I'm better than any dumb old diamond ring!

One thing Momoka has always liked is bath time. We have tried to get her into a routine at night. She has a bottle, we eat then I take her for a walk in her stroller. Once we get back home, Momoka gets a bath, gets some lotioned, diapered and PJ'ed, gets fed again and then goes to sleep. She loves to relax in the warm water (must be how she gets rid of all that baby stress). I take a small plastic cup and pour water on her tummy and legs. She loves it so and will usually fall fast asleep in the tub.
ももちぃは本当にお風呂が大好きなようです。夕食の後は長い散歩をパパと一緒に楽しみ、帰って来たらお風呂でまったり♪ 気持ち良過ぎるのかよくベビーバスの中で寝ちゃうんです。温泉大好きなパパはももちぃと一緒に行くのが今から楽しみのようです。


Momochi PUNCH! Take that Miffy sama!