This year Halloween was a lot of fun. Momma and I tried to come up with a good costume and settled on Princess. We bought a Tinkerbell outfit from the Disney Store but Momoka was having nothing to do with that. She wouldn't even allow it close to her. Too bad because it was very cute. The Princess outfit worked out better because it was kind of warm and I think the Tinkerbell costume, being made from nylon, would have probably been hot.
This year Momoka handed out the candy to the kids. We had about 200 kids come around this year. Military facilities always have a good turn out for trick or treat. I think it's because military people feel safe letting their kids go trick or treating on the post/base. When we lived in Japan and at FT Belvoir (DC) Halloween was a big deal. In Japan the base would open up and allow Japanese children to come in and enjoy this most American of holidays. It was fun because while the Japanese kids really didn't know what was going on, they did know they were getting candy for saying just three little English words. For children, candy transcends cultures. I am glad we are here at this military facility, next year Momoka might get to ring some doorbells and she will get to enjoy Halloween as I remember it, a lot of fun, all about children and safe. Trick or treating on the post was allowed between 1730 and 2000, which is nice because when it's 2000, it's over. Here's some shots of our gal on the big night:
Having a little swig of water, waiting for the festivities to begin!

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