Momoka turned 7 months old last Friday - YEA! Sorry the posts have slowed down. We are busy trying to close out our house and are getting ready to move. This has been a tough move and we'll all be glad when we are settled in at our new duty station. These posts will slow even more until the fall when hopefully, by then, we'll be settled in for a while.
OK, what's been going on with our little gal? Well, it's like somebody flipped a switch. She never showed any interest in rolling over but now it's her main mode of transportation. She mastered the back to tummy and then just a few days later started rolling over from tummy to back. This past weekend she went half way across the living room just rolling. When lying on her back she also scoots along by digging in her heels and pushing off with her little legs. She has started squirming more when in your lap. She is bending at the waist and turning her head trying different positions to see how things look from different angles. Her balance has improved greatly (and most surprisingly) while sitting. She can now sit upright for minutes at a time without weebling and wabbling and will play with toys with both hands in the seated position. This is amazing to me because just a week ago her gyro was pretty unstable and she would roll to one side or the other pretty quick. She is also standing unassisted at the coffee table and plays with toys. She can't pull herself up yet but if you place her in the standing position beside the table she can stand there for a more than a few minutes. She will also go from the seated to standing position if you give her fingers to hold onto and help get her moving. We have been putting her feet on top of ours and walking her around a bit but walking is still too challenging for her right now. Hey, walking is challenging for me too.
She has expanded her menu. She has added broccoli, cabbage and tofu to all her old favorites. Momma has been putting tofu in the food processor, whirling it around a bit and then feeding it to her either straight or mixed with vegetables. She seems to enjoy the texture of tofu a lot. Night before last she ate white fish, tofu, cabbage mixed with okayu and broccoli mixed with okayu. She obviously has a Japanese tongue. Because of their texture, the fish and tofu cause her to "chew" and she does a great job chewing up her food. She is opening her mouth as the spoon gets close to her pie hole. She doesn't waste a bite. New food that's just ok - sweet potatoes. Go figure.
Her two front lower teeth continue their rise. Her first tooth is really poking up out of the gum now. The second tooth is still right at the surface. She is chewing on everything that gets close to her mouth and, of course, is a little bucket of baby slobber.
She continues to grow like a weed and has started to trim down a little. Now that she is scooting around and rolling over her little pudgy tummy and legs are getting trimmer. Momma weighed her recently and she is now 9 kilograms (19.8 lbs). She hasn't put on much weight since her six month check up although her appetite remains very strong. Movin' and groovin' burns off calories!
She is still enjoying her jumper, baby car and also terror chair. Her favorite toys are a little stuffed pony and the roundy roundy zoo toy that I described in an earlier post. Momma had the bright idea of putting Momoka in terror chair and setting her music toy in front of her. Great idea and she enjoys sitting and pounding on the music toy with her little mitts. She enjoys a good story - "Pat the Bunny" and "Tickle the Pig" are short enough and have enough colors to keep her attention from beginning to end. "Good Night Moon" has been a favorite on the reading list for a while now.
Lastly, her little face is starting to change from tiny infant to big baby. She is making new faces and new noises. She is blowing some soggy raspberries (finally, all my training efforts have paid off!). Her vowel sounds are now getting mixed in with some consonants. Got a "ba" and a "boo" out of her already this week.
Here's our gal rockin' out with her music toy. Fear factor of terror chair has been reduced to zero.
Quiet please! Can't you see I'm composing a masterpiece here?
OK, here's another "how'd that happen?" picture. At nap time or at night we start her off at the opposite end of the bed with her feet close to the footboard because she scoots around so much while she is sleeping. She recently woke up at 0430, which is very unusual, and Momma rushed in to see if everything was alright. Momma found her at the top of her bed with her noggin in the corner. Momma determined she awoke because she must have bumped her head in the corner and it woke her up. Such a squirmy worm! You can tell that she is really growing and that her little legs are getting longer and trimmer. What a big girl!
We have the same thing going on here....but Sakura to bed in one place, and she awakens in a different location in her crib; although she has come to bed with us on occasion and I can see how she gets there, she flaps her arms a flies! I think Sakura chan thinks she's part bird because when she sleeps (and is deep asleep) she flaps one arm from time to time..along with picking up her head and slamming it down - trust me NO sleep for me!