Here's a photo of our gal sitting in a big girl high chair last night. Momma and I don't eat out much because Momma is a great cook but we're at the point with our pack out and move that we'll be eating out a lot. We wanted to see how Momoka would react sitting by herself in a restaurant while we stuffed our pie holes full of chow. She did great. Very patient and entertained herself with toys and by people watching. We probably dallied a bit too long and she got a little skirmy at the end of the meal but that was fine because she was so well behaved. Such a big girl! Sorry for the crummy photo quality - this is from my cell phone.

We bought Momoka this little chair that clamps onto a table. The chair is made by "Phil and Ted" and is called "meetoo". The chair has an aluminum frame and is very sturdy. We're hoping she'll enjoy sitting in this chair because we'll be doing a lot more eating out in the next month as we transition from DC to Hawaii and wait for quarters to become available.
We actually bought a similar one, ours is Chicco brand - to take with us when we travel. Hope they work well :)