Misao and I flew my parents up from Houston to visit us in DC and to also meet Momochi. For my parents their desire for coming was probably more of the latter and less the former (can't blame them). Grandfather in Japanese is JiJi and grandmother is Baba. I shortened it to JJ and BB to keep things simple (HAH!).
One of the things we did while the parents were here was take a little trip down to the mall to see the sights. Here we are with honest Abe. The Lincoln Memorial is always a nice place to stop because it's very inspiring and it is always cool inside. Even during summer you can get a bit of a respite from the heat and read the words of a great American at the same time. Momoka sure is staring at BB!
ヒューストンからじいじ&ばあばが遊びに来てくれました。ももちぃとは初対面です! でもいつもたくさん写真を送っているし、スカイプ(TV電話)で最低週に一度はお話をしているので、初めて会ったような気がしないと言っていました。
滞在中じいじもばあばもずっとももちぃにべったり♪ ももちぃもとても楽しそうで、笑顔を振りまいていました。お陰でママはとても楽ちん♪笑 次にじいじ&ばあばに会えるのは8月。ももちぃ、楽しみだね♪
Hey Daddy, that's enough of that kissy, kissy stuff! Knock it off!
My mom and I with the Washington Monument and reflecting pool in the background. This was the place Dr. King gave his famous "I have a Dream" speech. It's also where Forrest Gump ran to meet Jenny during the hippie peace rally. Only in America.
BB and Momochan taking a break near the Vietnam Memorial (The Wall). The park surrounding the wall is nice with shady trees and benches. Momoka's Florida sun hat has somehow turned into a polka dotted sombrero! Ay carumba!
Momochan having a little breakfast with her BB.
JJ, Pappa and the ichigo hime (strawberry princess).
test pt 2