Here I am in my new toy! Mommy and Daddy bought me a bouncer to hop around in. Mommy bought Momoka some very, very kawaii (cute) jinbei when we were in Tokyo. A Jinbei is a traditional Japanese summer outfit with a pair of shorts and a shirt that ties in the front. Momoka's jinbei has little bunnies and flowers on it. She is too cute in the outfit. Mommy also bought two others - bigger sizes thankfully - so Momoka is set for a Japanese summer in DC.
The bouncer supports Momoka's back and tummy better than her little "baby car" she drives around the kitchen. All toys now have to play music and have lights. Battery industry conspiracy!
Well, looks like I finally found a use for that "National Security Decision Making" course material from my student days at Naval War College. Momoka's legs are still a little too short to reach the floor. She either has to grow longer OR we have to fatten her up a little more so she puts a bigger strain on the bouncer springs. Look at those little toes - too cute!
An absolutely classic Momoka photo! Momma has a knack for getting the best shots of funny faces. For some reason Momoka has started sticking her tongue out alot - not just poking out from between her lips like before. I am trying to teach her to blow a raspberry and I think maybe that's why her tongue is always sticking out. Hilarious.
We also bought one of these "happy coats" for Sakura while in Japan, doesn't fit yet (maybe I should try it?), but I can't wait, they are SO cute! Momochi is adorable as ever in hers!