WOW! What a vacation! We got together with old friends, ate some great food, drank some cold oat sodas and generally did whatever we wanted to do.
Momoka was great and I think she really enjoyed going places and seeing new things. You know stuffy old Hawaii can be so boring at times.
Our return flight went very well.
Momoka watched an Elmo
dvd and drifted off to sleep. We left
Narita at 2050 and she had been going pretty much non-stop since we awoke that morning. I ran her around the lobby for the last 20 minutes before we boarded the plane so she was one tuckered out toddler. She slept in our laps (mostly
Momma's, not mine) for almost the entire flight. She woke up about an hour before we landed, had some food and watched "
Pingu", a British cartoon, and laughed and laughed. Once we got her home she
reacquainted herself with her stuff and promptly took a 3 hour nap. What a great traveler.
Here's a couple of shots of our gal in Japan . . . .

"Cooking" rice at
Anpanman Children's Museum

Daddy, how do you like my
Anpanman punch?
Hangin' out with her friends melon
panna chan and curry pan man . . . .

This is at the photo studio just prior to "terrorize a toddler" part two. She already doesn't look too sure. This
photo might be considered "foreshadowing", an indicator of things to come . . . .
Cute toes though.

Here's our gal sitting nice and pretty but looking not too thrilled. The cool thing about Japanese photo studios is they have clothes you can pick for your child's photo and you can dress your child in as many outfits as they can tolerate (in Momoka's case, not many). The clothes ran the
gamut, from kimonos to
inai nai ba guru guru
dokan outfits to frilly dresses. In "
terrorize a toddler" part 1,
Momoka wore a very cute little strawberry outfit. I wanted kimono pictures but the kimono was much more difficult to put on and based on her
terror level during part 1, Momma was unsure she'd even tolerate us dressing her up in kimono for part 2. Momma was right, as usual. We picked this little pink dress and crossed our fingers . . . . .
Hmmmmm, I don't really care for the flash too much . . . . .

Alright, enough already! I DO NOT LIKE THIS AT ALL!

A studio assistant drying
Momoka's tears.
Honto ni majinaki! Momma and I couldn't take it, Momoka was so unhappy during both shoots. I think the studio got 6 pictures total before we called the whole thing off.
AWWWW - poor Momo chan. That is pitiful. I love the idea of that studio - very cool! I can't wait to see the 6 pics they got, I'm sure they are wonderful!