Aloha. A lot has happened in the ten days since I posted last. The big news is we went to the Doctor for our nine month check-up. Since we have moved we're starting over with a new Doc and Momma and I were a little worried we'd get a dud but Momoka's new Doc is wonderful. No knock against Army medicine but I think the Navy has a better system and, quite frankly, better people - my opinion only. The Doc was so nice and very gentle. As you'd expect Momoka was very interested in getting the stethoscope out of the Doc's ears and into her mouth. Babies.
The check up went great and Momoka is growing and thriving. She remains in the 95th percentile for weight but has caught up considerably in length and is now in the 75 percentile. Momoka still does not crawl but is more interested in walking. The Doc said never fear, she was developing well and told us that some babies just don't crawl. Momoka has always hated to be on her tummy so maybe she'll just go straight to walking. She is already standing and hanging on to and scooting around anything she can get her little hands on. Overall the Doctor's visit was a real plus and Momma and I are glad we've got a great baby Doc for this tour.
Momma found a baby play class and she and Momoka have been going during the week. Momma and I take Momoka on Sunday for a family play date. The class has age specific activities and all kinds of fun toys for babies and small children. The place has been great for all of us. Momma has met some other Japanese moms there and has quickly made friends. Momoka seems to really enjoy the other babies and the activities. Favorite - bubbles. Not so favorite - parachute play. I like the class because I get to spend some time with the family.
Here's some pictures of our gal during a recent Sunday play date . . . . . . . .
Climbing around on the toys is fun Daddy!

One of my favorite activities is to wrestle around with Momoka. She seems to like it (generally) although she can get a little overwhelmed when Daddy doesn't quit when he should. One thing I like to do is turn her upside down (while supporting her head, neck and back). You can always get a grin which means you've got a great shot of those cute little teeth. Speaking of teeth, our gal got a new one for a total of five. Her right top tooth that sits next to her front tooth is now poking out. Five teeth! Armed and dangerous!
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