Friday, September 11, 2009

Pineapple soft cream

We took our gal to one of our favorite spots on the island - the Dole Pineapple Plantation. I don't think they grow too much up there anymore but they do have a nice garden, what is billed as the world's largest botanical maze and, of course, a gift shop to squeeze $$$ out of tourists. They also have a snack bar that serves tasty pineapple soft cream. I like the pineapple float. It tastes great and I wanted to share it with Momoka. A bite of the float was going to be her first departure from baby food and into the world of bad for you adult food. We try to be a little strict on diet issues because refined sugar is so bad for kids but we figured one little taste wasn't going to turn Momoka into a junk food junkie. Here's a picture of the float . . . . .

Looks good, huh?

Here's a picture of our gal's face after I put some of this delicious creation on her tongue . . . .

Guess she didn't dig the pineapple float as much as we do. We figured the pineapple juice in the float might have been a little sour and that's what caused the scrunched up yucky face reaction. Aloha Momochan!

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