Here's our gal having a little snack. Momma also got Momoka some crackers in her box of Japanese baby food. The crackers dissolve after baby slobber hits them so they are easy to gum, which is good since gums are all Momoka has right now. The crackers are kind of dry so the company that makes them recommends serving them with a kind of baby tea, which also came in Momma's baby food goody box. Momoka will drink the tea but not one of her favorites.

Momoka is what Momma calls "kuishinbo" - Japanese for someone who likes to eat. We have only found one food that she doesn't attack the spoon when offered and that is some of Momma's Japanese baby food that combined spinach and tofu that honestly didn't look that good (I probably wouldn't have eaten it either) . She took five or six bites and then let us know she was having no more of that stuff. Because she was a big girl and tried some new food she got some bananna yogurt (it's yo-baby yummy) after the spinach and tofu combo was pitched into the gomi box.
The three of us are off to a family reunion later in the week. We'll post some pictures of the shindig after we return. It's 100 degrees and close to 100% humidity in Southeast Texas so our little butterball is probably going to do a little baby sweating. Keep your fingers crossed she'll do well on the plane. Daddy checked today and all seats are occupied on the flight so if Momoka is screachy I am sure we're going to get a plane full of "looks" directed back at us. Who cares, it's only a three hour flight.

Hey Daddy want a bite of my baby slobber cracker? No? Well, if you change your mind let me know and I'll get it nice and slobbery for you.
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