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Yep, I do love my tub time - helps me to get rid of that baby stress that builds up during the day. Momoka is a "schedule baby" and seems to really enjoy knowing what is going to happen next. Even when we travel we try to keep her nightly walk, feedings and tubby tub time intact. As a reward for our efforts, Momoka is off to bed nightly around 2100 to 2130 and has been falling asleep without even a peep (she sleeps through the night and usually wakes up between 0900 to 1030 the next morning). Nice.
Hey Daddy, let's go to Onsen! I could use a good soak and some tasty chow!
Momma and I were having a seat downstairs when we heard some little noises from upstairs so we knew Momochan was awake from her nap. When we went upstairs to see what she was up to this is how we found her. For the life of me I can't understand how a blanket can go from being around your tummy to all bunched up around your noggin. I have been keeping an old digital camera upstairs just for classic moments like this.

Well, we made it to Southeast Texas and back in one piece. The family reunion was great. My cousin Monica and her husband Pat did an excellent job hosting and a good time was had by all. Momoka was a big hit and got passed around like a cold in day care. She was, as usual, a very good natured little soul and soaked all the attention in like babies do. Her mommy and I are truly blessed with this little angel.
Here's our gal on the plane going to Texas. There were two other babies onboard who weren't very happy with the trip but Momoka was great - hardly a peep the entire flight. Momma brought along her favorite toys and we worked hard to keep her occupied.
Here she is on the return flight. The flight back to DC was HORRIBLE! Thanks Continental Airlines - FOR NOTHING! Long story but if you pay for a seat you, as a customer, should get to sit in the entire seat that you paid for. Enough said. UPDATE: I got a call from Continental and we worked out our differences. I was pleased with how things turned out. That's good because I think they have excellent customer service and great employees (except one).
Hey, I thought you guys said we were upgrading to business?
Lots more pictures to post and I will try to get them on the site as soon as I can.
A quick note - today we had our 6 month well baby check up. Momoka is doing great and the Pediatrician is happy with her progress. Here's her measurements:
weight - 8.85 kg (99%)
height - 68.5 cm (59%)
head - 44 cm (86%)
The gains in her height and head circumference are, on a percentage basis, larger than her weight gain, which is good because she's almost off the weight chart. Our Doc told us never fear, Momoka was doing great and she did not feel she was too heavy. I am sure once she gets those chubby little legs in gear the butter in her butterball will melt right off. She is right on track for milestones although she has zero interest in rolling over and hates being on her tummy. The Doc told us today some babies are like that and will roll over when they get good and ready. Off tomorrow to that muggy version of hades known as Southeast Texas.

Hey everybody I'm six months old and I'm doing great!
Here's our gal having a little snack. Momma also got Momoka some crackers in her box of Japanese baby food. The crackers dissolve after baby slobber hits them so they are easy to gum, which is good since gums are all Momoka has right now. The crackers are kind of dry so the company that makes them recommends serving them with a kind of baby tea, which also came in Momma's baby food goody box. Momoka will drink the tea but not one of her favorites.

Momoka is what Momma calls "kuishinbo" - Japanese for someone who likes to eat. We have only found one food that she doesn't attack the spoon when offered and that is some of Momma's Japanese baby food that combined spinach and tofu that honestly didn't look that good (I probably wouldn't have eaten it either) . She took five or six bites and then let us know she was having no more of that stuff. Because she was a big girl and tried some new food she got some bananna yogurt (it's yo-baby yummy) after the spinach and tofu combo was pitched into the gomi box.
The three of us are off to a family reunion later in the week. We'll post some pictures of the shindig after we return. It's 100 degrees and close to 100% humidity in Southeast Texas so our little butterball is probably going to do a little baby sweating. Keep your fingers crossed she'll do well on the plane. Daddy checked today and all seats are occupied on the flight so if Momoka is screachy I am sure we're going to get a plane full of "looks" directed back at us. Who cares, it's only a three hour flight.

Hey Daddy want a bite of my baby slobber cracker? No? Well, if you change your mind let me know and I'll get it nice and slobbery for you.
Every evening (weather permitting) Momoka and I take a little stroll around the post after dinner. Fort B is pretty quiet after 1900 when most of the personnel living off post are out the gate and on their way home. During our little excursions one of Momoka's favorite activities is to go up to the main intersection near our house and watch the remnants of the workforce go by. As long as there are cars coming and going she will sit and watch them. We bought this big girl stroller for her a couple of weeks ago and it is a perfect perch for car viewing. Busses are ok, motorcycles not so ok (too loud). Today we decided to wear our shades so everybody that passed by would know we are 2 kewl 4 skewl.

In this video somebody needs a little nap, can you find the grouch? Watch closely. Momoka likes to watch the movies we make of her with our video camera. We play them on the computer and she will sit in your lap and watch very intently. We were watching a movie of her in her bouncer and she was pretty happy. When she saw this one and heard herself fussing she let out a huge wail and cried and cried. Her Mommy says sometimes when they are out shopping and Momoka hears another baby cry she'll join right in. Sympathy screech. Babies. Warning - turn the volume on your speakers down before watching this momomovie!
Here's a momomovie of our gal playing around in her bouncer. As is probably the case with most toys we bought this one about a month too early. She didn't really get what was supposed to happen with the toy until last Sunday when she got in and for some reason went crazy jumping around. Me and Momma got so tickled and laughed so much that she just kept doing more and more to keep our reactions going. Now every time she gets dropped in the bouncer she dances around like she's got ants in her pants. She really enjoys the toy and will jump and jump as long as either Momma or Papa are cheering her on. Her legs are now long enough to reach the floor without my Naval War College book underneath her little feet. Go Momochan go!
Here's our gal playing with her favorite toy. She loves this toy and will play with it longer than anything else. The thing is kind of like a miniature baby toy go cart track. The center of the toy has a turntable that goes around in circles so the little wheeled animals go around and around. The penguin also goes around in circles and the little tiger goes up and down. You have to either push a little red button on the side or roll one of the animals over the top of a pressure switch to turn the toy on. It plays music, has flashing lights and, since it's a baby toy, requires a ton of batteries.

If you put her close enough she can reach up and grab the little animals as they pass by on the turntable in the middle. She can also turn the toy on but it's difficult for her to hit the right spot with enough pressure. I know she understands where the on button is because her little hand gravitates towards the button and she swats at it. If she isn't rewarded with a little roundy roundy she fusses at the toy.

Hey Mommy, does this thing do anything else?