Monday, June 22, 2009

More veggies!

Here's my next new food - taters and tomaters - yummy!

Mixed with a little water and Okayu . . . . .

OK Daddy let's eat! Note - the edamame and peas were a bigger hit. No Hawaiian Delight for me Baba - I am going to eat my veggies!


  1. I cannot believe how much they have grown since coming home from Japan, it's amazing! Love the video of Momochan....

    To answer your question about the sunglasses - guess we've just been lucky, she hasn't ever tried to grab them, touch them or anything .... pure luck!

    Sorry Momochi doesn't like her terror chair, poor thing :o( Maybe if you keep trying it, she'll develop a likeness for it ? Don't know if I'd keep torturing her though if it was Sakurachan....she has started getting 'scared' or 'startled' at ANYthing these days too...maybe the age?

  2. Jennifer, I definitely think it is age related. Misao read an article that said some babies are sensitive to colors and loud colors scare them so it might be a little of both. I'm going to keep searching for some sunglasses!

  3. Can't wait to see the new pics of Momochan with her new shades! I hope that she keeps them on :) We like the ones at Gymboree and Janie and Jack - the sides are "flexible" for the "under 2 years", which are the best kind, one pair we bought weren't flexible and I hated them, they seemed too "stiff" - check out Gymboree and/or Janie and Jack!

  4. Jennifer funny you mentioned those particular kind of shades - we bought a pair of them earlier this week. She was not happy. Probably the same thing as terror chair - just needs a few tries to get used to them.
