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Gosh we love this little gal so much! She is so much fun and brings so much joy to us (and everyone else she meets). What a unique little personality. She enjoys rough housing with Daddy and has a very stubborn streak. When things are not quite going her way she will let you know - immediately. She is growing longer and her weight gain has slowed a little bit. She is still drinking around a quart of formula and has added at least one solid food meal a day. I think she is losing some of her pudge around her tummy although Mommy might not agree. Her little legs are still quite roly poly though.
Of course no matter how much me and her mom fawn over her she is just 2 kewl 4 skewl.
Here's a little video of our gal sitting in terror chair wearing her new super cool shades. First time she tried on the shades it was a definite "no go" but today she seemed to be OK with them (I told her Sakura chan was such a big girl because she wore her sunglasses - that sealed the deal) . As you might have noticed all the toys are back on terror chair now. The two toys that caused so much angst a bit ago are now the ones she reaches for first. Babies. Watch the video and I am sure you too will be convinced Momoka is too cool for school daddy-o! By the way, since terror chair is less and less terrifying I guess I need to come up with a better name. Any suggestions? Note - it's hard to believe the little hipster in this video is the same gal that's in the video in the post below. Only four months difference between the two momomovies. They really do grow up so fast!
Glory, glory - terror chair is now an acceptable place to roost. Here's our little gal hanging out in the chair (sans toys) having a conversation with monkey and Stitch. Momma calls the monkey "dessert monkey" because it seems like he's always going in for a slobber bath after Momoka drinks her milk.

Our case worker Eileen came by today for our third post placement visit. Eileen made the comment that Momoka had grown so much since she had seen her the first time. I went back in the video vault and pulled out one of the first short momomovies we made. She is such a tiny little thing, isn't she? When we take Momoka to the base commissary or out in town to the Asian food stores all the Korean ladies in the markets stop us and say "oh yes, she is such a healthy baby, it must be Kimchee power". Ummmmm, wrong country of origin but hey, they are right about one thing - she is getting bigger and bigger (probably more like edamame, okayu and ninjin power). Regardless of the source, Momoka's power must be strong because she is such a big, healthy girl!
Here's our gal waking up . . . . .

Besides the cute tummy and PJ's do you notice anything odd in the picture? The Pooh blanket was placed over her when she went to bed the previous night. Pooh's face was roughly in line with her tummy, with the face pointing up. How Pooh's face got turned 90 degrees and ended up going from over her tummy to being in line with her little noggin is a mystery. She is a squirmy little wormy!

We bought this little chair for Momoka to play in. It looked more fun than the Bumbo chair that seems to be all the rage because this chair has a lot of toys attached to it. The Bumbo is just a boring looking chair. We ordered this high speed Bumbo beater from the internet and anxiously awaited its arrival. We wanted the chair as an alternative to the bouncer and baby car that require Momoka to stand up the entire time she is playing in them. She has a motorized swing but has never been a big baby swing child so that isn't really an option for more than a few minutes. We were looking for something that she could enjoy while we're doing chores or cooking and couldn't wag her around because of what we were doing. The chair also looked like it might be perfect for feeding her because we wouldn't have to worry about her slipping through the high chair seat and plopping on the floor.
The chair arrived and I got it out of the box and put it together. I couldn't wait to sit Momoka down in the chair and show her the toys. I picked her up out of her baby car she was driving around "Kitchen Motor Speedway" and placed her square in the seat of the new chair. She looked unsure about the chair and when I started showing her the toys, along with the noises they made, she let out a huge squawk and started crying very hard. Hmmmm, never done that before. Maybe she was in a bad mood / tired and cranky so we decided to give the chair another try the next day. Well, we had the same results the following day too. We then decided the toys were making noises she was not liking so I took all the toys off except the lady bug mirror.
The chair, sans toys, is now an acceptable place to watch Mommy and Daddy but only for a minute of two. She is still a little wary of the thing. In the past she hasn't shown too much fear and loud noises never really seemed to bother her but she has gotten more sensitive to noise in the last few weeks. Who knows, maybe she is also becoming a little more color sensitive - this chair, from a color perspective, is LOUD! Ours has an orange seat.
Oh well, you can't win 'em all. My holy grail - the perfect baby toy.
I am finally out of that terror chair. Moving on to something a little better - my nappy nap.

My Mommy had a Takoyaki party this weekend. What's Takoyaki? It is a soft, doughy ball that is grilled on a hot plate with a piece of Octopus inside. In Japanese Octopus is called Tako. When you grill a food you put "yaki" either at the beginning or end (don't ask me where, I am a baby). If you are having grilled beef you can say "yakiniku" or if you are having chicken on a stick you can call it "yakitori". I am just a baby but I already know almost as much Japanese as my daddy - YEAH! You also put chives and some little crunchy pieces of fried batter in the Takoyaki. They are using a Takoyaki plate which has a bunch of half circles to pour the batter and place the tako. Once the Takoyaki is done on one side you flip it over and let the other side cook. You then pour on a sauce that's kind of a cross between ketsup and worcestershire sauce and a little Japanese mayonaise. I haven't tasted Takoyaki yet but it sure looks YUMMY!

Mommy's friend Aya, me and Mommy after some yummy Takoyaki.