This page is for our daughter, Momoka. She was born on 07 January, 2009. Following these words are some pictures we've posted that chronicles her rather short life. We sure do love her a lot. She is a little angel sent to us from heaven. We will be posting more pictures and words as time permits. She is quite a handful right now. What used to be easy is now much more complicated but boy is it great to have the complication.
私達の元にコウノトリが可愛い天使を運んで来てくれました。この時をどれだけ待ったことでしょう! 実母さん、マミーさん、涼子さん、スタッフの方々、言葉では言い表せないくらい感謝しています。私達に人生最高の幸せをありがとう!
Here is our first picture of little Momoka
We have named this the "nani suru no" face. In English - "what do you want?"

Here's a picture of me and Uncle Josh putting together baby furniture. We got the stuff for Momoka's room from Ikea. They had a crib recommended by Consumer Reports and it was very reasonable compared to the baby stores. So reasonable we bought the rest of the matching furniture. I was glad Josh came to help. In the end we had no screws or doo-dads left over - a major accomplishment!
The finished product.
Here are some cute little jackets Mommy bought. Mommy's theme is little ears - she thinks they are motto kawaii!
For some reason we see this face quite a bit. This child has healthy lungs, that's for sure.
A nightime "waiting for chow" picture. If the bottle isn't inserted into the pie hole in 30 seconds you'll see the face above.

March 02, 2009
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