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This is a picture of Momoka with the little girl of one of Mommy's friends. The other little girl is one day older than Momoka. Momma's comment when she looked at this photo was "look how big Momochi is". She sure has grown like a weed since January. Momochan started off on the small side but has caught up quickly on the growth chart (especially her cheeks). What a big girl!
それにしてもダブルのベビちゃんって、こんなに目鼻立ちがはっきりしているんですね! もちろんこのベビちゃんのパパとママが美男美女のカップルだからというのも理由の一つだと思うのですが。ももちぃの大福ちゃん顔が際立っちゃいますね。でも良いの! それでもママにとってはももちぃが一番可愛いんだもん!

BBQ - oh goody! Well, you can tell by the look on her face she is none to thrilled. If you're thinking "hey Bonehead, she's too close to the grill" never fear - the charcoal was on the other side and had almost burned itself out by the time the photo was snapped.

Can you figure out how to make a baby stop crying with a potato chip bag? No, it's not feed the kid chips. Misao heard on a Japanese TV show that is you crinkle a plastic bag next to the baby's ear the noise will distract her and she will stop fussing. Does it work - you better believe it does. We found out that of all the different plastic bags available, Momochi likes chip bags the best. A girl after my own heart!
ビニール袋って、思った以上に効果があるものですね~! ももちぃをこちらに連れて帰って来る飛行機の中でも大活躍でした。ただ通路を挟んだ隣の人が怪訝な顔をしていました。日本でも知らない人は意外と多いと聞きますが、アメリカではもっと定着していないのかな?

Had a great visit with the Doc today. Momoka's Doc is super nice and I was very impressed with her skill, caring and gentleness. She just had a little one herself and was quite cheerful and seemed to be very interested in little Momoka. Momoka, according to the Doc, is doing well and has really grown quite a bit. Momochi started off small but has caught up quite a bit. The Doc was very pleased with how things were going and gave little Momoka a clean bill of health.
We decided during the visit today to wait a bit on the shots. Mommy is not feeling well and the last thing Daddy needs is a sick Mommy and a grumpy baby. The Doc said that was fine and sounded like a good idea to her. Now, if we could just get Momoka to sleep a bit longer at night!
今日はももちぃの担当医(家庭医)と初対面! 丁寧な診察でとても好感の持てる女医さんでした。転勤までの数ヶ月彼女がももちぃを担当してくれるようです。色々と相談しやすそうな人で良かった!
March 16, 2009
Here's our gal enjoying a little nap. She has been a fussy little bear the last few days. We think it's just her age - she turned two months old today! It doesn't matter to us if she is fussy, she's still our little doll. My wife got her to stick out her tongue during a facial mimic session. That was fun but we're both waiting for that first big smile! Don't be stingy Momochi!

March 07, 2009
Hina Matsura is a holiday in Japan known as "girl's day" and is celebrated on 03 March. Boys have a day that is called "tango no sekku" and is celebrated May 5th with kites shaped like carp. Japanese families place very ornate dolls (called hina ningyo) out in February for their little girls and leave them out until Hina Matsura. The dolls were thought in older times to have the power to keep bad spirits away from the little girl thereby ensuring her safety and happiness. There are many different types of dolls today that range from those straight out of popular culture (Disney, Anpanman and Hello Kitty) to more traditional Japanese dolls made from white ceramic. The dolls are based on the imperial court from fuedal times with an Emperor and Empress taking center stage. The more expensive sets also have other dolls respresenting those who might have served the imperial court as well as pieces of furniture, flowers representing peach blossoms and other decorations. The prices range from around forty dollars to thousands of dollars. We bought the Mickey and Minnie hina ningyo for Momoka when we were recently in Japan because they were easy to bring aboard the plane as a carry on item (even the Disney dolls are breakable). We had wanted to buy Momoka a set of more traditional ceramic dolls but kind of ran out of time to get the dolls mailed to our hotel in Japan and then shipped back to the US. Carrying a large set of these dolls onto the plane would have been a no-no because the box would have been much to large. Checking these dolls as baggage would not have been a good idea as they probably would have gotten smooshed. Maybe we'll get a more ornate set for next year's Hina Matsura. At the bottom of this post are some links to pictures of doll sets and also some sites that have more information on this holiday.
One last point - hina ningyo (especially the expensive ones) are not for play. Little girls can't take the dolls down from their perches and have a "tea party" with them. I think that will be the most difficult thing - keeping Momoka's little fingers off those dolls!

March 03, 2009