Here's a shot of our gal cruising around the kitchen. She spends about half of her play time vertical looking for something to walk around. She is really quite good and has gained a lot of balance and dexterity. This morning she cruised around half the kitchen and was very, very interested in cabinet doors and drawers. We're not too worried yet because she still needs some help to get over to the danger areas but I can see the day coming (soon) when we're going to have to lash all unstowed gear to the deck and set circle william on all fittings throughout the ship.
Momma is worried she is going to knock on knot on her pretty little noggin while cruisin' around so she knitted Momoka a cute little hat. The little towel secures the knitted noggin proctector onto baby's melon. Works good and just like in the the picture in a previous post - the towel that made Momochan look like Mozart - is all about baby safety.
Gotta love Momma.